Biography: Amin Gohary
We are discussing common surgical disorders of the gastrointestinal system that warrant surgical intervention. Inguinal hernia repair is the commonest procedure performed in Preterm and Infants. The premature infants have higher chances of incarceration and complications and are recommended for early surgery. Etiology is mainly attributed to failure of the Process vaginalis to close . These children have upto 30 % chances of having contra lateral inguinal hernias. Controversies exist for examination of the contralateral side for hernia in children less than 1 year of age due to higher incidence of contra lateral patent process vaginalis. Different modalities have been used to diagnose coexisting patent processes vaginalis. Like exploration, U/S Herniogram and laparoscopy.
Material and mthods
Vomiting in children is common and mostly related to medical condition. However there are surgical conditions associated with vomiting which needs to be acknowledge and diagnosed early. Bilious vomiting is an ominous symptom and needs to be taken seriously. Any baby who vomits bile should be considered as having an underlying intestinal obstruction until proved otherwise.
More recently we have encountered a subgroup pf patients that have genuine intussusception on radiological examination but not causing complete bowel obstruction and still associated with had srool in the large bowel and still needs simple fleet enema to cure.
We hope by highlighting this new phenomenon to avoid unnecessary radiological investigation and unnecessary abdominal