Biography: Benslimane Hammou
Material and method A girl aged 01 year and a half admitted for UTI.
Examination revealed a distended bladder, and a slightly hypertrophic clitoris. Meatus accessory epispadias
ULTRASOUND: bilateral ureteral hydro nephrosis, large capacity bladder thick walls.
UCR: right unilateral reflux .second path epispadias meatus.
Initially: a straight-sided configuration Cohen guy with a blindness of the second path by epispadias bladder way.
Secondly treatment of hypospadias
The ureteral duplication for the girl is easy to diagnose when viewing the meatus épispadias.
II- Given the small number of cases described in this pathology no classification has been described.
The duplication of the urethra is one of the rarest abnormalities of the urinary tract.
Its diagnosis and determining its type rely on VCUG and endoscopy
If resection of the accessory urethra is relatively easy prognosis depends mainly on the sub bladder obstacle whose surgical treatment is difficult.